Monthly Astrology August 2024 Forecast For All Signs (2024)

Monthly Astrology August 2024 Forecast For All Signs (1)

Monthly Astrology August 2024 Forecast For All Signs (2)ARIES

Talk to yourself like a lover would

Faith in yourself is your fuel

Get a joy shot!

A retroactive August comes with the usual cautions. There could be lots of talk – but absolutely no action. Or plans change, stall, or fall over completely. Yes, you can rise above Mercury’s niggles and narks as it retrogrades in what is a ruling house and sign (your 6th) from the 8th. But it could feel on occasion it’s personal as your patience gets tested.

If so, ask yourself if this is a symptom of something bigger and not the cause, Aries. In your house of health and wellbeing, it could be that short fuse is the result of you being in Mission: Impossible mode for far too long. Taking on too much, trying to be everything to everyone and everywhere all at once – even warriors like you have their limits!

This month’s new Moon (4th) appears in your pleasure center. It brings with it a time of effortless attraction, play, seeing the world through the eyes of a child, and pastimes that put you in your zone. Ideas germinate, and you need to follow through with them well – just because they allow you to have fun and express yourself thanks to the infusion of energy this Moon gathers up from both ruler Mars and Jupiter in Gemini. It’s this sheer delight you take it this that adds the magic touch. Prepare for something you start with this new Moon to allow you to stand out and shine.

Yes, this is also your house of romance and lovers too. But do you talk to yourself like a lover would? With Mercury heading back in here (15th) it might be time to look at the conversations you’ve been having with yourself. Such as maybe telling yourself you’re not good enough, thin enough, talented enough – the list is endless. Or that if you try something you’re bound to **** it up. Adding to the message of general unlovability can also be the idea that taking time out to do the things you want is selfish and indulgent, and your priorities are all wrong.

Does anything here sound familiar? If so, time to get out of your own head, Aries. You wouldn’t talk to someone you cared about that way. And I can only imagine your reaction if you overheard someone else saying this to them. You can change up your script this month. To one of positivity, glowing self-support and validation. Change up your message but at the same time – don’t shoot the messenger! A knee-jerk reaction may mean you miss an opportunity if you react without having the facts in front of you.

The general slowing down affects all signs due to the retrograde, but with your dynamic sweetness slightly restrained, it can feel frustrating. But hitting the pause button can turn into the new fast when it comes to manifesting those wishes and dreams. That’s simply because we have time to focus. So, please don’t think of this as a waste of time. And the biggest push forward towards this for you does occur on the 14th when ruler Mars infuses its energy with Jupiter. Heat meets expansion. Air fans fire. And ignites the flame. So, take the 14th as the day the retro rules no longer constrain you. It’s a brief window, but your readiness means your intention is primed.

You’re the firestarter and torch bearer of your dreams. Once harnessed, this energy can carry you through to the end of the Mercury retro shadow in September. There’s a tempo you can follow to put you in sync with this energy. Pause or slow down in the first half of the month, go for it in the second week, then slow down again.

The journey is a goal in itself so if you see it this way, then a brief slowdown just allows you to enjoy the view! But the Mars/Jupiter alignment could see many of you turbo boost or launch to the next big stage. What you leapt into at the time of the new Moon – heart open and fuelled by faith and sheer delight of doing it, shows you just how far you can move towards a goal when your only agenda is self-expression. The full Moon in your 11th trines Jupiter (19th). Friends, fans, and followers – a larger audience or group, offer support and validation. This can literally see something you wanted now within reach. And all this can occur across two weeks.

Venus in your 6th right up until the 29th could see someone being super-critical or picky. You’ll find relationships turn in your favour after the end of the month when Venus enters its ruling 7th. Giving you early access to your yearly partnership peak. Be on the lookout for someone new entering your sphere as we head into September. Or an existing union entering a next stage phase. With Mercury re-directed and the Sun in your 6th, joint ventures and shared wellbeing – both in health terms and financially, put you back in the flow – shows you doing what you love or allowing yourself to shine is healing and good for you. Plus it keeps that glow going, Aries.

In a nutshell: A Mercury retro won’t dilute your yearly pleasure peak. While the 14th offers a rare opportunity to blaze a trail towards a goal. But do go with the rhythm of this month’s planets, Aries. Feeling the beat means dancing with life!

2 Aug 2024 Venus in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (5th to 2nd)

4 Aug 2024 New Moon in Leo sextile Mars in Gemini (5th to 3rd)

4 Aug 2024 New Moon in Leo (5th)

4 Aug 2024 New Moon in Leo sextile Jupiter in Gemini (5th to 3rd)

5 Aug 2024 Venus enters Virgo (6th)

5 Aug 2024 Mercury stationary retrograde in Virgo (6th)

8 Aug 2024 Retrograde Mercury conjunct Venus in Virgo (6th)

10 Aug 2024 Juno enters Libra (7th)

11 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo trine retrograde Ceres in Capricorn (6th to 10th)

14 Aug 2024 Mars conjunct Jupiter in Gemini (3rd)

14 Aug 2024 Moon, Mars and Jupiter conjunct in Gemini (3rd)

15 Aug 2024 Retrograde Mercury re-enters Leo (5th)

18 Aug 2024 Retrograde Mercury in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (5th to 2nd)

19 Aug 2024 Sun and retrograde Mercury conjunct in Leo (5th)

19 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo square Jupiter in Gemini (6th to 3rd)

19 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces (6th to 12th)

19 Aug 2024 Full Moon in Aquarius (11th)

19 Aug 2024 Full Moon in Aquarius trine Jupiter in Gemini (11th to 3rd)

19 Aug 2024 Full Moon in Aquarius opposition retrograde Mercury in Leo (11th to 5th)

19 Aug 2024 Sun in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (5th to 2nd)

19 Aug 2024 Jupiter in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (3rd to 12th)

22 Aug 2024 Sun enters Virgo (6th)

23 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo square Mars in Gemini (6th to 3rd)

25 Aug 2024 Vesta enters Virgo (6th)

27 Aug 2024 Ceres direct in Capricorn (10th)

28 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (6th to 12th)

28 Aug 2024 Mercury stationary direct in Leo (5th)

29 Aug 2024 Venus enters Libra (7th)

29 Aug 2024 Venus in Libra trine Pluto in Aquarius (7th to 11th)

Monthly Astrology August 2024 Forecast For All Signs (3)TAURUS

Results come from what you initiate

Adapt to the moment

Welcome to All-Inclusive August!

We are living in a material world – and being Venus ruled – you are a material sign, Taurus. Certainly, you are drawn to the good things in life. Beer budget but champagne tastes? The good news of the month for you is that you could get a bankrolling infusion around the 14th when not only Mars and Jupiter meet in your 2nd, but the Moon is caught up in the conjunction as well. So, there is the emotional take-out element which hands you real, lasting satisfaction. No matter where you may direct any gains.

This is most probably due to your own efforts to bring about improvements. Mars pushes us to take action. While Jupiter promises opportunities and expansion when we do. Ruler Venus is now in your 5th of pleasure and play – and one of your major houses of attraction. All this takes place against a Mercury retrograde in here. Which again says there has been something you have initiated or been planning leading up to this point.

This month’s new Moon in the Moon’s ruling 4th in your chart (4th), triggers a cycle where your actions are based on ensuring your emotional and material security. Its alignment to both Mars and Jupiter means you are prepared to do what it takes. And this month that means putting yourself out there. At the start of what will turn out to be a path-determining time for you, do look at any residual fears you may be carrying around with regard to rejection or abandonment. Belonging or feeling we belong – to a family group or community, with those we work with, or even to the path we are on, is an essential element of feeling safe, grounded, and loved. And of success. Do you have that, Taurus?

If you do harbour these kinds of insecurities, this new Moon plus the Mercury retro in your 4th can help you confront them. See where they originated and go to the source to heal them. But even if they are there, August ignites your confidence and courage, and you will be determined to push past those emotional barriers. You are not defined by either them or your past. Surprisingly, your progress from this point may well be defined by those you are connected to and your track record to date.

Satisfaction also beckons on the 8th with the Mercury/Venus meeting. Or are you not allowing yourself time out, Taurus? Is play a priority for you? Spending time with loved ones or simply doing what lights your soul? Retroactive Mercury in your 5th (it will also re-enter your 4th from the 15th) asks you these all-important questions around making time for what is important, especially if you are unable to switch off, like checking those work emails while on holiday,for instance.

Remember that during this retrograde two areas of life will be impacted. Your 5th of romance, creativity, pleasure, and children. And your 4th of home, foundation, family and lifestyle. As your 5th is your house of holidays, please keep those retro-rules in mind if going anywhere. And moves or plans around the home or property, may stall or simply not work out. Your answer – to simply be in the moment and enjoy that rather than engage in any kind of struggle to get things back on track. In surrender could just lie your strength, sweet Taurus.

Ride that Mars/Jupiter money-making, worth boosting wave, and make everything you do a passion project. It’s time to pursue the path you have invested in heart and soul. Especially if this is something long term. Use the period between the new Moon and this month’s full Moon in your 10th (19th) to set your sights on something more rewarding.

Look to what drags down your vibe and impacts on you mentally as well as physically as ruler Venus moves through your 5th (from the 5th). Look at what brings you joy, places you in your zone and raises your energy. If you need to, keep a journey where you log this. Especially if you are unsure or simply dismissing your responses as over-sensitivity or exaggeration. If you keep track of this you’ll quickly see this isn’t your imagination. There is a pattern – and a cause behind what you feel or why.

Once you have identified this, make any adjustments. This is the background work that you carry through while outwardly working towards that bigger, more satisfying outcome. I mentioned belonging and being in the right place, on the right path and surrounded by the right people. The latter include your professional peers and also your larger social circle. Your progress towards that goal will be linked in some way to how you are seen and regarded. This may be a month where others may check up on you. Asking people what they think. Your resume, qualifications and track record have a huge role to play. As does your determination. But that move on up could rest on a personal validation from people who know and support you.

Polish that reputation and also ensure that you come across as open and inclusive as you can. This month’s full Moon in your 10th (19th), puts you very much in the spotlight. And also shows you just how large a role your connections play in your progress. The full Moon’s trine to Jupiter opens doors but also asks you demonstrate the value you add as your secret to success now. Keep the focus on what you have to give and you’ll have the outcome you set out to achieve.

No matter where you find yourself – tell yourself you are right where you are supposed to be and also with who is right for you right now. Especially towards the end of the month when the retrograde weather begins to clear and the Sun in your 5th (22nd), brings you your yearly pleasure and attraction peak.

How you choose to see things and your expectations determine not just your take-out in the present moment but enhance your ability to draw to you people, opportunities, and solutions, which reflect your attitude that everything will work out. That isn’t dodging reality or being unwilling to deal with issues you encounter. That’s making a conscious choice to embrace positivity. Optimism is your superpower. As is your ability to continue to share all you have to offer. Without fear of rejection or abandonment. It’s All Inclusive August for you, Taurus.

In a nutshell: Whatever needs to be done – you’re in the mood to do it. Pushing past insecurities and self-imposed limitations in order to get the outcome you need. Ensuring your needs and those you care about are met is what drives you now. Expect tangible results for that courage!

2 Aug 2024 Venus in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (4th to 1st)

4 Aug 2024 New Moon in Leo sextile Mars in Gemini (4th to 2nd)

4 Aug 2024 New Moon in Leo (4th)

4 Aug 2024 New Moon in Leo sextile Jupiter in Gemini (4th to 2nd)

5 Aug 2024 Venus enters Virgo (5th)

5 Aug 2024 Mercury stationary retrograde in Virgo (5th)

8 Aug 2024 Retrograde Mercury conjunct Venus in Virgo (5th)

10 Aug 2024 Juno enters Libra (6th)

11 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo trine retrograde Ceres in Capricorn (5th to 9th)

14 Aug 2024 Mars conjunct Jupiter in Gemini (2nd)

14 Aug 2024 Moon, Mars and Jupiter conjunct in Gemini (2nd)

15 Aug 2024 Retrograde Mercury re-enters Leo (4th)

18 Aug 2024 Retrograde Mercury in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (4th to 1st)

19 Aug 2024 Sun and retrograde Mercury conjunct in Leo (4th)

19 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo square Jupiter in Gemini (5th to 2nd)

19 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces (5th to 11th)

19 Aug 2024 Full Moon in Aquarius (10th)

19 Aug 2024 Full Moon in Aquarius trine Jupiter in Gemini (10th to 2nd)

19 Aug 2024 Full Moon in Aquarius opposition retrograde Mercury in Leo (11th to 4th)

19 Aug 2024 Sun in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (4th to 1st)

19 Aug 2024 Jupiter in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (2nd to 11th)

22 Aug 2024 Sun enters Virgo (5th)

23 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo square Mars in Gemini (5th to 2nd)

25 Aug 2024 Vesta enters Virgo (5th)

27 Aug 2024 Ceres direct in Capricorn (9th)

28 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (5th to 11th)

28 Aug 2024 Mercury stationary direct in Leo (4th)

29 Aug 2024 Venus enters Libra (6th)

29 Aug 2024 Venus in Libra trine Pluto in Aquarius (6th to 10th)

Monthly Astrology August 2024 Forecast For All Signs (4)GEMINI

Focus on that one true thing

Follow inspiration

Suit up, it’s Superhero August!

Retro madness or retro badass? Well, definitely the latter this retro-season thanks to Mars and Jupiter in your sign. Just so long as you don’t act purely on impulse but come from courage and a sustained vision for what you want. If there is a sign this month that deserves its own Marvel superhero franchise – well, that’s you, Gemini.

If there is something you want to do, have, achieve or simply crush – a little retro motion in the vast ocean of the universe isn’t likely to stop you. Do use this expansive, soul igniting energy to focus on one main goal you want to attain. Suit up, buttercup and put yourself out there. Don’t scatter those superpowers which can easily happen if you get distracted. Focus, like x-ray vision, allows you to see past any Mercury-induced delays or snafus and get right to the heart of what matters. And the best way to get it done.

Although this is one of your expansive and positive cycles in 12 years, you don’t have a blanket Get Out of Jail Free card even with Jupiter about. Issues related to home, property, living arrangements, those you live with, family members, or even work may require your attention. They can be impacted by ruler Mercury retro across your 4th—3rdhouses.

Again, provided you keep to the Retro Rules and focus solely on the main issue, Jupiter’s protective aura should shield you from the usual madness this can deliver. Just watch for those who may over-dramatise. You may have to be the one to stick to the facts and talk them down. It could be they just crave reassurance. Your focused yet keep-your-cool attentiveness may turn into the loving remedy they need. Often it’s just time and attention people crave. You have this to spare. So, do keep this in mind.

Watch the new Moon in your 3rd for the spark of the idea to take you there. You’ve a goal to reach, a dream that inspires and far to go (usual caution of the retro applies). This new Moon energises Mars and Jupiter in your 1st. And between it and the full Moon in your 9th – which makes a wonderful trine to Jupiter (19th), there are opportunities to be mined, progress to be made, and ultimately, solutions to hand.Provided you become the magician/initiator that is!

You have everything you need at your disposal to get that outcome you want. You just need to remain connected to that belief this August. Especially mid-month when the biggest, retro neutralising push towards a personal goal occurs. Rare, special, confidence boosting and personally validating – the Mars/Jupiter conjunction (14th) is all this and more. Believe it and you will be it. It transcends the usual ‘Fake it ‘till you make it’ advice. Because superheroes don’t need to fake it.

The image you project now is that of the total package. Because Mars rules Aries and is in your 1st, your look, appearance, face, style, profile, bold brand and fierce aura – success is all linked to how you project yourself. And that rests on self-belief. You’re here to slay.

DO ensure that the outer you reflects the inner you. And also that how you look boosts your confidence. A splash of red with Mars getting up close and personal with you makes a statement and boosts the red planet’s courageous qualities. And no, it’s not woo woo thinking. Psychologists have long studied the link between mood and colour. And experimenting with colour is always a good starting point if you are thinking of a makeover – but are not yet ready for anything too extreme!

DO set yourself something to accomplish or do that challenges you and requires you to courageously showcase yourself in some way. And prepare to conquer or at least have made considerable inroads to it by the time the full Moon appears in your expansion zone on the 19th.

Bolder braver you understands that allowing limitation to rule translates into a living a half-life. Your potential and boundless ideas demand an outlet! Yes, you may revise, add and adjust during Mercury’s backwards/forwards cycle which will last until September 12. But again, the 19th offers a Retro Free Window with the full Moon in your 9th trineing Jupiter and opposition Mercury. The energy transcends those stops/starts and tells you to Just Do It – Now. For this day you regain back your momentum – snafu free!

You may say yes to something or know you have arrived where you wanted to get to. Plus while that superhero suit hands you confidence and tells the world who you are – you know you don’t need to rely on it. Because those powers are always within you (protecting your secret identity is very different!)

We’re in big mutable weather as the Sun lands in your 4th. With Mars and Jupiter in your sign, Saturn and Neptune in Pisces, you’ll feel the winds of change begin to blow through your sector of home and family. Because of Mercury still retro you may want to accomplish a move or have a longer term plan that you are not yet ready to reveal or talk about just yet. You will bide your time until it clears retro-shade.

Venus brings you an extended and early start to your annual pleasure peak as it lands in your 5th (29th), the day after Mercury heads direct in your 3rd. Even if you are not talking about your plans (yet), you are back to actively creating and exploring opportunities. Everything about you will be back fully lit and on show, and you won’t be shy about it either.

You’ll also come back from the retrograde with a specific goal in mind. Around love, children, a creative venture or what you do or want to be known for or by. If you showed your appearance some outer love earlier this month you’re now happy with the results. And feeling them. It’s that superhero moment when there’s no doubt about your true identity. Or just like Tony Stark you’re happy to claim ‘I am Iron Man’. Being you turns heads and hearts, Gemini.

In a nutshell: It’s rare to have both Mars and Jupiter in your sign at the same time. This unstoppable combination will see you power ahead this August despite ruler Mercury’s retrograde. Venus in your 5th at the month’s end will bring passion, pleasure,and freedom.

2 Aug 2024 Venus in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (3rd to 12th)

4 Aug 2024 New Moon in Leo sextile Mars in Gemini (3rd to 1st)

4 Aug 2024 New Moon in Leo (3rd)

4 Aug 2024 New Moon in Leo sextile Jupiter in Gemini (3rd to 1st)

5 Aug 2024 Venus enters Virgo (4th)

5 Aug 2024 Mercury stationary retrograde in Virgo (4th)

8 Aug 2024 Retrograde Mercury conjunct Venus in Virgo (4th)

10 Aug 2024 Juno enters Libra (5th)

11 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo trine retrograde Ceres in Capricorn (4th to 8th)

14 Aug 2024 Mars conjunct Jupiter in Gemini (1st)

14 Aug 2024 Moon, Mars and Jupiter conjunct in Gemini (1st)

15 Aug 2024 Retrograde Mercury re-enters Leo (3rd)

18 Aug 2024 Retrograde Mercury in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (3rd to 12th)

19 Aug 2024 Sun and retrograde Mercury conjunct in Leo (3rd)

19 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo square Jupiter in Gemini (4th to 1st)

19 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces (4th to 10th)

19 Aug 2024 Full Moon in Aquarius (9th)

19 Aug 2024 Full Moon in Aquarius trine Jupiter in Gemini (9th to 1st)

19 Aug 2024 Full Moon in Aquarius opposition retrograde Mercury in Leo (10th to 3rd)

19 Aug 2024 Sun in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (3rd to 12th)

19 Aug 2024 Jupiter in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (1st to 10th)

22 Aug 2024 Sun enters Virgo (4th)

23 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo square Mars in Gemini (4th to 1st)

25 Aug 2024 Vesta enters Virgo (4th)

27 Aug 2024 Ceres direct in Capricorn (8th)

28 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (4th to 10th)

28 Aug 2024 Mercury stationary direct in Leo (3rd)

29 Aug 2024 Venus enters Libra (5th)

29 Aug 2024 Venus in Libra trine Pluto in Aquarius (5th to 9th)

Monthly Astrology August 2024 Forecast For All Signs (5)CANCER

Define what rich feels like

Change is your point of empowerment

Decode that Book of Secrets!

There’s more to that rich feeling than money, Cancer. But then – you are the sign which is born intuitively knowing that. Affluence to you is quality time, loving and supportive relationships, creative ways to show your love and being able to fully use your talents. Especially your intuitive ones. You go for the lasting, the secure – not the trend. The same goes for your projects and plans this August. You will be examining them for their lasting quality and most importantly of all, for their ability to enhance all of those precious values at the same time.

The new Moon in your 2nd (4th), always brings in a fresh cycle of how you relate to what you have. And what constitutes real ‘wealth’ for you. You are going to be going back and forth across this issue not just in this month’s upcoming Mercury retrograde cycle, but also during the Mars retrograde in Leo. During that retrocycle, Mars will begin its retrograde in your 2nd and then return to your sign where it will head direct again in early 2025. This isn’t just about what’s valuable and precious to you, but how you seek to define yourself by it. And your power to literally bring about ‘change’ – as in stopping any short change, around this.

The new Moon aligns to both Mars and Jupiter in your 12th. Your book of secrets is open and easy to decode. Or should be. If you have any remaining questions under this new Moon, access to the answers you seek can be channeled when you feel warm and comfortable! It may sound strange but this is what supports and triggers your intuition. Reach for anything that allows you to enter this emotional state. It doesn’t matter what the temperature is outside or what the weather is up to! That warming drink. That item of clothing or blanket. Or just that place where you feel protected and whole. Thoughts of those you love boost that warmed-up feeling. Once you have it, you can then enter a place where the answers you seek effortlessly flow. This is a fantastic exercise to engage with under this new Moon. And it will also allow you to avoid the upcoming retro pitfalls.

This goes hand-in-hand with something that tugs at your curiosity this month. And you won’t be able to resist going deeper. This can be anything from a topic that fascinates you. To something that’s simply not adding up. You will be on a mission to find answers or information no matter what. This can even be the beginning of a course of study – either formal or self directed, into an area that fascinates you. What you discover as a result expands your mind.

If you are travelling this month, along with the usual Mercury retrograde caution, do stick to well lit, busy or familiar places. The 14th in particular isn’t a great day to venture off the beaten track or away from the tourist hotspots if you are somewhere unfamiliar. However, this is another day where if you have been seeking answers or breakthroughs, you get them.

But it can also put you in a position where you may be unaware of your surroundings. Do your due diligence before going out as to places you should avoid and do use caution as Mars and Jupiter meet in your 12th. Your intuitive, creative, and performing skills are at their peak on this day. If you are required to present or ‘put on a show’ in some way, your talents stand out. Your imagination expands along with this. This is also the perfect day to look at ‘alternatives’. This is such an all-embracing and freeing word. In your 12th house, it can mean an alternative or complementary therapy to aid healing, for instance.But it can also point to suddenly seeing that there are alternative options on offer for you that you could not see or were unaware of before. If one winks on now this is an invitation to explore it.

Full Moons are always the full deal for you. Luna waxes full in your change sector (19th) and aligns beautifully to Jupiter on this day. This is a highly transformative Moon that confirms or emphasizes what you’ve spent the month discovering up until this point. You should by now know you can trust your gut, Cancer. Now you have permission to act on it. Don’t hesitate and don’t allow fear to stop you. Especially if this is a situation that has persisted for a while. This day hands you not only certainty, but peak energy to channel into whatever needs to be done. Work your brave.

The Sun shifts into your 3rd (22nd) and Mercury which rules both Virgo and this house will head direct once more from the 28th. This is another date which shows you the truth around something thanks to the Venus/Neptune opposition. Right action is realistic action and hands you the best possible choice.

Love may be slower, on the back burner or simply not your main priority this month. You will be grateful for the love you have however. Be this a partner, or family and friends. Expect a pick up and new beginnings by October if you are looking for someone new. Venus moves into your 4th and again, this is all about the love that’s close, warms your heart, your home and surroundings. Again, this lifts any urge to rush things or feel pressure to start something new. Yes, some of you may contemplate a move or upgrading your current home. But chances are you’ll find the riches in that warm spot you already inhabit.

In a nutshell: Simple gratitude is always the point of power when it comes to transforming what you have and want to hold for the future, Cancer. You are the sign who instinctively knows rich is an emotional connection. Love what you have to gain even more.

2 Aug 2024 Venus in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (2nd to 11th)

4 Aug 2024 New Moon in Leo sextile Mars in Gemini (2nd to 12th)

4 Aug 2024 New Moon in Leo (2nd)

4 Aug 2024 New Moon in Leo sextile Jupiter in Gemini (2nd to 12th)

5 Aug 2024 Venus enters Virgo (3rd)

5 Aug 2024 Mercury stationary retrograde in Virgo (3rd)

8 Aug 2024 Retrograde Mercury conjunct Venus in Virgo (3rd)

10 Aug 2024 Juno enters Libra (4th)

11 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo trine retrograde Ceres in Capricorn (3rd to 7th)

14 Aug 2024 Mars conjunct Jupiter in Gemini (12th)

14 Aug 2024 Moon, Mars and Jupiter conjunct in Gemini (12th)

15 Aug 2024 Retrograde Mercury re-enters Leo (2nd)

18 Aug 2024 Retrograde Mercury in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (2nd to 11th)

19 Aug 2024 Sun and retrograde Mercury conjunct in Leo (2nd)

19 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo square Jupiter in Gemini (3rd to 12th)

19 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces (3rd to 9th)

19 Aug 2024 Full Moon in Aquarius (8th)

19 Aug 2024 Full Moon in Aquarius trine Jupiter in Gemini (8th to 12th)

19 Aug 2024 Full Moon in Aquarius opposition retrograde Mercury in Leo (8th to 2nd)

19 Aug 2024 Sun in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (2nd to 11th)

19 Aug 2024 Jupiter in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (12th to 9th)

22 Aug 2024 Sun enters Virgo (3rd)

23 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo square Mars in Gemini (3rd to 12th)

25 Aug 2024 Vesta enters Virgo (3rd)

27 Aug 2024 Ceres direct in Capricorn (7th)

28 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (3rd to 9th)

28 Aug 2024 Mercury stationary direct in Leo (2nd)

29 Aug 2024 Venus enters Libra (4th)

29 Aug 2024 Venus in Libra trine Pluto in Aquarius (4th to 8th)

Monthly Astrology August 2024 Forecast For All Signs (6)LEO

Money talks but doesn’t define you

Be ready to be more

Time to envision new beginnings

Your time for new beginnings and to imagine yourself attracting fresher, more sparkling, and soul-expanding experiences begins on the 4th with the new Moon in your sign. This is one of the most heart-starting new beginnings on offer for you not just this year. But in a very long time, Leo. That divine spark of personal passion is what ignites your soul. And your goals. Which are extra important this month, as you have not only Mars and Jupiter aligned in your 11th (14th). But this new Moon activates both a week before this happens.

Are you ready to be extraordinary, Leo? To fuse your will with your vision. And in doing so, give yourself permission to manifest extraordinary results. Only you can answer that! Second chances, time to refine that dream, restore the faith in yourself and your goals will be handed to you as a belated birthday gift thanks to this month’s Mercury retrograde and new Moon combo.

Goals are extra important this month as you have both Mars and Jupiter in your Make a Wish 11th. If you recall your forecast for Jupiter in Gemini, you will recall I told you to make three wishes upon Jupiter’s entry into here. And to expect at least one to manifest during its transit. Mars in here gives you that extra push and confidence to go after one of them. And with the new Moon acting as a trigger, your determination is ignited! Do read your New Moon in Leo Moonscope for how best to plant the seeds for your future.

Despite Mercury retrograde in your 2nd and heading back into your sign mid-month, now is the time to put long term plans into motion. Even if they are literally that – at the planning stage right now. The reason I am telling you this is to prepare you for a big slowdown which will occur later this year. When Mars reaches your sign and then makes a rare retrograde which will see you having to pump your brakes all the way into early ‘25. Like any retrograde – including this one, you will emerge from it even more glowing, fired up with surety and determined to realise your vision for yourself. With 2025 set to hand you so many more defining moments.

However, the good news this August is that you won’t have to wait that long to embrace the first of what should be many standout moments. Be ready for a goal infusion on the 14th when Mars and Jupiter meet.

During this retrograde, you are going to be working on a key relationship, Leo. With your money. Its linked to what you want to do or who you want to be this upcoming cycle. Because Mercury goes back and forth between your sign and your 2nd – and you also have Venus in your 2nd until the 29th, expect time spent in contemplation and connection with your cash, assets, income and earnings. What you earn and owe. And what you feel this says about you.

Look to the 8th (Mercury conjunct Venus) and the 19th for those ‘statements’ around this. And what triggers save or splurge feelings within you. You have tremendous focus this month, Leo. And if increasing your income is one of your goals, then that rich feeling stems from focussing on that. Just keep in mind that money talks, but doesn’t tell your story. It will be an ongoing one. You can write when the Sun, your ruler, leaves your sign (22nd), and Mercury re-enters next month.Have you been stuck with limited funds? Stretching that budget? The important thing to realise first when it comes to changing this, it again, your income does not define who you are and your worth. You set that. Now you know where to begin if increasing your flow is your main focus.

Just prior to that we have a full Moon in your 7th (19th). It has the kind of showy, big cat feel you love as it is known as the Lynx Moon (its other names are the Grain Moon as this is when the grain is ripe for harvest and Sturgeon Moon). It opposes Mercury retro in your sign and trines Jupiter.

I remember seeing a wonderful design by Emma J. Shipley of winged lynx. Big cats that can fly? Why not, Leo! Well, the essence of this full Moon for you is a lot like that. Love gives you wings, puss* cat! Love also makes you feel abundant and powerful. And this is what we’re going to focus on this full Moon. Getting more of those feelings. And holding on to them as a lasting, parting birthday gift before the Sun exits your sign.

Your relationship status is irrelevant. Single, settled, seeking, loved up or let loose to choose again – this is about love and abundance within you that you have to share. With yourself as well as others. Rich is a feeling like love. Due to this full Moon’s angle to Jupiter and Mercury, this is a great night to meet up with friends, or share something with just one person. Note how the more outgoing and connected you feel, the more alive, vibrant, and attractive you also feel!

On your own this night? No problem, Leo. Love isn’t something that ‘happens’ to you when someone appears. It’s always there within you. Same for your ability to connect to all the many forms of love. Take time if you can to think of all the words and emotional states you associate with love and also abundance. Write them down in your journal. As you do feel each one in turn. How does the idea of having everything you need make you feel? There are the obvious ones: ‘Rich’, and ‘Secure’, for instance. But expand on this. ‘Outgoing’, ‘Confident’, ‘Creative’, ‘Bolder’ – let the words flow uncensored.

Now you have your list – you have all you need to invest in gaining more of what you want. You can return to it any time you forget your wings or lose your connection to those feelings. And no, you don’t need your journal with you to remind you either. Any time you feel disconnected from your vibrant power, just think of one word from your list. Imagine putting it on your dominant hand, close your hand over it and place your hand on your heart. Breathe it in. It’s simple but it works as an instant power shot. Try it and see.

Venus moves into your 3rd and trines Pluto in your 7th (29th). Keep that dialogue going with yourself. And also continue to share with others. With Mercury now direct in your sign (28th), follow those rebooted feels and insights when it comes to money and love. And know from this point onwards, you and your ideas have wings.

In a nutshell: The new Moon in your 1st is always the start of a bold new beginning for you, Leo. Time to be the most heart-starting version of you that you can imagine. And even though retro Mercury is heading back your way – this simply adds up to a fiercer and more defined you.

2 Aug 2024 Venus in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (1st to 10th)

4 Aug 2024 New Moon in Leo sextile Mars in Gemini (1stto 11th)

4 Aug 2024 New Moon in Leo (1st)

4 Aug 2024 New Moon in Leo sextile Jupiter in Gemini (1st to 11th)

5 Aug 2024 Venus enters Virgo (2nd)

5 Aug 2024 Mercury stationary retrograde in Virgo (2nd)

8 Aug 2024 Retrograde Mercury conjunct Venus in Virgo (2nd)

10 Aug 2024 Juno enters Libra (3rd)

11 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo trine retrograde Ceres in Capricorn (2nd to 6th)

14 Aug 2024 Mars conjunct Jupiter in Gemini (11th)

14 Aug 2024 Moon, Mars and Jupiter conjunct in Gemini (11th)

15 Aug 2024 Retrograde Mercury re-enters Leo (1st)

18 Aug 2024 Retrograde Mercury in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (1st to 10th)

19 Aug 2024 Sun and retrograde Mercury conjunct in Leo (1st)

19 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo square Jupiter in Gemini (2nd to 11th)

19 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces (2nd to 8th)

19 Aug 2024 Full Moon in Aquarius (7th)

19 Aug 2024 Full Moon in Aquarius trine Jupiter in Gemini (7th to 11th)

19 Aug 2024 Full Moon in Aquarius opposition retrograde Mercury in Leo (7th to 1st)

19 Aug 2024 Sun in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (1st to 10th)

19 Aug 2024 Jupiter in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (11th to 8th)

22 Aug 2024 Sun enters Virgo (2nd)

23 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo square Mars in Gemini (2nd to 11th)

25 Aug 2024 Vesta enters Virgo (2nd)

27 Aug 2024 Ceres direct in Capricorn (6th)

28 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (2nd to 8th)

28 Aug 2024 Mercury stationary direct in Leo (1st)

29 Aug 2024 Venus enters Libra (3rd)

29 Aug 2024 Venus in Libra trine Pluto in Aquarius (3rd to 7th)

Monthly Astrology August 2024 Forecast For All Signs (7)VIRGO

Keep that eternal flame burning

Reclaim past (im)perfection

Happy birthday, Virgo!

You know the Retro Rules. You proofread them after all, Virgo! So, stick to them and use your incredible creative capacity to search for alternatives as ruler Mercury slams on the brakes and reverses in your sign from the 5th. Provided you remain open-minded, flexible and adaptable, whatever Mercury serves won’t see you having to take the pedal off the metal this birthday season.

Two areas will be impacted across this Mercuryretro cycle: your first of image, appearance, style, body image, brand and personal packaging, and charm, IRL and online. The second, once Mercury lands back in your 12th, is spirituality,Tarot, intuition, channelled inspiration, your relationship to your god/dess, angels, the multiverse, and belief system. The second isyour past and the influence it has had on creating your life to date.

Mercury retro rules all the ‘re’ words you can come up with. Including re-imagination, reclaiming and re-framing. It begins with remembering. And returning to something from your past. Or it returning to you. Anything that rekindles, comes alive again or returns to you is meant to. Some of you may revive an old goal. A past desire or even love. Venus, in your 1st retrograde season, keeps the flame of attraction burning even when Mercury is backward.And also while you ate waiting for the Sun to arrive on the 22nd.

Pre-birthday boosts sprinkle you with possibility and a touch of magic potential when your ruler bumps into Venus (in your sign from the 5th), on the 8th. Something you have been waiting for or on arrives. This upcoming cycle also asks you cement that certainty around what you want for the next 12 months. And there’s no better time to regain your clarity around this than Mercury retrograde in your 12th. So that by the time it returns to your sign and clears retro-shade next month, you have cut away what no longer fires up your soul.

We are in big, fat mutable weather this August. As well as the Mercury retro in your 1st, we have the start of your birthday cycle (22nd), when the Sun brings its warmth. Jupiter and Mars in Gemini and your 10th, and Saturn and Neptune in your 7th. So we have squares and oppositions forming to transitting planets as well as your own Virgo factors. So, take it two areas need that serious Virgo devotion directed their way. Your career and reputation. And long term love and partnerships. Neptune rules partnerships for you. Do look to the 28th when Venus opposes it. The combination of both your ruler backwards and Neptune means that if you are single, this isn’t the time to go swipe or seek them. You’ll make up for any perceived lost time later if you use the present to simply gain deeper insight into what you need in the long term.

Let go of ideas around perfection. You need the path or partner who is perfect for you. And do in the run up to your birthday season sweet Virgo, stop demanding perfection from yourself as well. You don’t need to be ‘perfect’ to have the things you desire. And all that energy you may be expending on the quest for perfection can honestly be better channelled into attracting what (or who) is perfectly right for you. The new Moon in your 12th (4th) angles to both Mars and Jupiter in your 10th of status. Allowing you to get out of your own way if that’s what’s been happening and easing your path towards success.

Next year sees one of your biggest cycles of goal growth for a very long time. When wishes are granted and dreams are what you live for real, thanks to Jupiter in your 11th house. By the time your birthday rolls around next year, it will already be in residence. For now, foundation cementing focus in the above areas, ensures you have your launchpad ready for those sky-rocketing big goals from next June onwards. Friends, contacts, networks, groups, clubs, bands, associations, communities and movements will be pivotal in some way to your goal getting. Do remember this.

Right now – the only direction for you is up. Been waiting for your moment? Important decisions and pivotal plans for your future feature on the 14th. Time to lean in to the mutable energy as Mars and Jupiter meet in your 10th (14th). The Moon is in the mix with this conjunction. Asking that you don’t purely act from emotion. But look to the longer term effects of making a choice. One which could propel you upwards or onwards. Or leave others in awe of your capabilities.

This is about personal success. Which may or may not resemble what society defines as success. You need that satisfaction take-out. And you need appreciation to be shown emotionally and not just financially for what you bring to the table. If something has proved it does not deliver that, you will now head towards the alternative which does. And if moves need to be made, you have boundless confidence and courage to make them. Be this on to something else or aiming higher at that promotion.

Taking you for granted? Or even you taking you for granted? Those days are behind you, Virgo. And that shift comes from getting very, very clear about what’s right for you. And what isn’t. And that too is right in front of you or accessible with this month’s full Moon in your 6th which trines Jupiter in your 10th and opposes the Sun and Mercury conjunct in your 12th. The fine details get revealed to you. And the bigger picture when it comes to achievement and attainment that works and lasts.

Many of you will celebrate a win or milestone reached under this full Moon. Your conquering spirit, willingness to stay the course and above all, do what you know is right for you, is your secret success recipe. Putting you in the perfect, all-embracing and out-going mindset to begin your fresh cycle on the 22nd.

Next year will see the Nodes shift signs. With the North Node entering Pisces and your 7th. And the South Node your 1st. We will also see Saturn and Neptune begin to exit your 7th, Jupiter move into your 11th, and Uranus into your 10th. Expect the unexpected to align you to your fate and purpose.

For now, you’ll bring your newly won clarity to bear on specific and perfectly defined and aligned goals in what is your most charismatic cycle of the year. Mercury is direct again from the 28th. Whatever you have cleared away during the retrocycle now reveals a brighter, more vibrant and shining version of you. Doubts are behind you, Virgo. Enter into optimism and shift that focus from going over the past to what lies ahead of you. If you can envision it – you can have it or get there. Get ready for growth.

In a nutshell: Mercury retro in your sign this month sees you ready to reclaim elements of your past that should never have been relinquished. And you begin your new cycle without feeling you need to change anything else, Virgo. Perfect? Just the way you are already. Happy birthday.

2 Aug 2024 Venus in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (12th to 9th)

4 Aug 2024 New Moon in Leo sextile Mars in Gemini (12th to 10th)

4 Aug 2024 New Moon in Leo (12th)

4 Aug 2024 New Moon in Leo sextile Jupiter in Gemini (12th to 10th)

5 Aug 2024 Venus enters Virgo (1st)

5 Aug 2024 Mercury stationary retrograde in Virgo (1st)

8 Aug 2024 Retrograde Mercury conjunct Venus in Virgo (1st)

10 Aug 2024 Juno enters Libra (2nd)

11 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo trine retrograde Ceres in Capricorn (1st to 5th)

14 Aug 2024 Mars conjunct Jupiter in Gemini (10th)

14 Aug 2024 Moon, Mars and Jupiter conjunct in Gemini (10th)

15 Aug 2024 Retrograde Mercury re-enters Leo (12th)

18 Aug 2024 Retrograde Mercury in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (12th to 9th)

19 Aug 2024 Sun and retrograde Mercury conjunct in Leo (12th)

19 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo square Jupiter in Gemini (1st to 10th)

19 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces (1st to 7th)

19 Aug 2024 Full Moon in Aquarius (6th)

19 Aug 2024 Full Moon in Aquarius trine Jupiter in Gemini (6th to 10th)

19 Aug 2024 Full Moon in Aquarius opposition retrograde Mercury in Leo (6th to 12th)

19 Aug 2024 Sun in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (12th to 9th)

19 Aug 2024 Jupiter in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (10th to 7th)

22 Aug 2024 Sun enters Virgo (1st)

23 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo square Mars in Gemini (1st to 10th)

25 Aug 2024 Vesta enters Virgo (1st)

27 Aug 2024 Ceres direct in Capricorn (5th)

28 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (1st to 7th)

28 Aug 2024 Mercury stationary direct in Leo (12th)

29 Aug 2024 Venus enters Libra (2nd)

29 Aug 2024 Venus in Libra trine Pluto in Aquarius (2nd to 6th)

Monthly Astrology August 2024 Forecast For All Signs (8)LIBRA

The unexpected provides a welcome release

No more standing still

Go where opportunity wants to take you

Something you don’t see coming could release you from stasis this August. Which seems counter-intuitive when we have Mercury retrograde in your 12th. However, its entanglement with ruler Venus in here on the 8th, along with the even bigger and better one between Mars and Jupiter on the 14th means the big, fat mutable weather delivers the kind of surprises and opportunities you’ve been waiting and hoping for. Yes, you may have to take the choice that goes for growth. But then haven’t you had enough of standing still?!

Your ruler Venus will be in your sign from the month’s end (29th). By this point, Mercury is direct again in your sociable 11th. And the house where your dreams are born. With the Venus trine to Pluto (also 29th), you’re leaving a stuck situation behind and moving on into something breathtakingly enlivening and bigger. Also from the 29th it will already feel as if your new cycle has begun. A month ahead of schedule.

Before we get there, the 4th is your date for goal setting with the new Moon in your 11th. Examine how what you want sets you up to stand out, shine and be a beacon of inspiration for others. When engaging in the process of pre-manifestation, make it as creative and playful as you possibly can.

Vision boarding is one way. Also what I like to call Attraction Journaling. We’ve all heard of Junk Journaling. Where we upcycle images and paper and incorporate them into a journal to create something unique. An Attraction Journal is when you curate specific images or items that uplift your spirits. Pro Tip: The more creative and playful the process and the more you love the result, the more it activates the power of attraction. Supercharging the process for you.

There’s something about this month that asks you leave a door open to new possibilities. Even as the retro weather builds across your 12th/11th house axis. I know things may not have been ideal for you of late, Libra. Sudden changes could have blind-sided you. Events you have had no control over may have brought about endings you did not anticipate – or want. As a result yes, you have changed and adapted. As you’ve come to understand on a soul level that resisting simply makes things worse. But this has meant resigning yourself to letting something go. And the Brave New World that might replace it has not yet emerged.

If this is hitting close to home, despite the retrograde this month, that door to the new world is now opening for you. First with the marvellous and miracle triggering new Moon in your 4th – which ignites both Mars and Jupiter in your 9th. Suddenly you are aware of a new path ahead of you where you could see nothing but a dead end earlier.

The 14th brings a big, bold release into a new venture. This day, Mars, Jupiter, and the Moon co-mingle in Jupiter’s ruling 9th. Stasis gives way to a solution, or an opportunity drops within reach now. Yes, of course, the Retro Rules are still applicable, especiallyas this takes place in a Mercury-ruled sign. But chances are you’ve been waiting for your moment to break free into something wilder and wider. Here it is.

Letting go now of what you know can’t be fixed or reset makes things so much easier. No, you don’t have to like it, Libra. But it is what it is. Yes, you can reflect on what has happened. And in doing so, gain closure which again allows you to move where opportunity wants you to go. The days between the 14th and the 19th – the day of the full Moon in your 5th trine Jupiter, brings you hope for where you are now headed. And you can see this clearly. And yes, you ARE ready to embrace positive change!

Getting ready for its arrival also asks you pay attention to the small stuff and leave no outstanding task undone during this Mercury retrograde. It will shift ahead in your 11th from the 28th. Ruler Venus spends most of the month in your 12th. Again, this transit along with the Sun in here from the 22nd, allows you to let go of emotional residue around what has come to an end and gain closure from this. Do embrace the process so that by the time Venus reaches your sign (29th), you are free of past shadows and unburdened from regrets. You’re beginning your new cycle a month early, Libra. And August is when what’s replacing what you lost makes itself known.

In a nutshell: Your birthday may be over a month away but you’re off in hot pursuit of something new and enticing this August. Venus in your sign at the end of the month promises a head start. While Mars and Jupiter in your 9th hands you the opportunity you’ve been waiting for.

2 Aug 2024 Venus in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (11th to 8th)

4 Aug 2024 New Moon in Leo sextile Mars in Gemini (11th to 9th)

4 Aug 2024 New Moon in Leo (11th)

4 Aug 2024 New Moon in Leo sextile Jupiter in Gemini (11th to 9th)

5 Aug 2024 Venus enters Virgo (12th)

5 Aug 2024 Mercury stationary retrograde in Virgo (12th)

8 Aug 2024 Retrograde Mercury conjunct Venus in Virgo (12th)

10 Aug 2024 Juno enters Libra (1st)

11 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo trine retrograde Ceres in Capricorn (12th to 4th)

14 Aug 2024 Mars conjunct Jupiter in Gemini (9th)

14 Aug 2024 Moon, Mars and Jupiter conjunct in Gemini (9th)

15 Aug 2024 Retrograde Mercury re-enters Leo (11th)

18 Aug 2024 Retrograde Mercury in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (11th to 8th)

19 Aug 2024 Sun and retrograde Mercury conjunct in Leo (11th)

19 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo square Jupiter in Gemini (12th to 9th)

19 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces (12th to 6th)

19 Aug 2024 Full Moon in Aquarius (5th)

19 Aug 2024 Full Moon in Aquarius trine Jupiter in Gemini (5th to 9th)

19 Aug 2024 Full Moon in Aquarius opposition retrograde Mercury in Leo (5th to 11th)

19 Aug 2024 Sun in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (11th to 8th)

19 Aug 2024 Jupiter in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (9th to 6th)

22 Aug 2024 Sun enters Virgo (12th)

23 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo square Mars in Gemini (12th to 9th)

25 Aug 2024 Vesta enters Virgo (12th)

27 Aug 2024 Ceres direct in Capricorn (4th)

28 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (12th to 6th)

28 Aug 2024 Mercury stationary direct in Leo (11th)

29 Aug 2024 Venus enters Libra (1st)

29 Aug 2024 Venus in Libra trine Pluto in Aquarius (1st to 5th)

Monthly Astrology August 2024 Forecast For All Signs (9)SCORPIO

Change up to charge up

You choose the path – and the journey

Be the phoenix rising!

Your focus this August will be on what you’ve accomplished and where you want to go next as your annual success peak begins with the new Moon in your 10th on the 4th. It angles to your old ruler Mars and also Jupiter in your power and self-created glory 8th house. Are you ready to step up and receive your reward?

You get to be at your most authentic and empowered when you have big 8th house transits happening. Its energy feels familiar and harmonic. It’s where you feel ‘at home’. Especially with one of your rulers in here. Recognition for a personal or professional achievement, setting a new one, and above all, looking to the rewards a path offers for your devotion and continued investment will be your focus this month. And this is aligned with Mercury retrograde which begins in your 11th on the 5th and ends back in your career zone on the 28th.

Positive change is not only in the air – but a certainty this August. Old ruler Mars is in its ruling 8th in your chart along with Jupiter. A rare meeting between the two occurs on the 14th. And this entanglement also draws in the energy of the Moon in here. This is your house of personal power and also what is shared with you and by you. Joint assets for instance between you and your partner. And this house also rules your salary, benefits, payouts, taxes, legacies and wills, investments, loans and mortgages.

It’s holiday season in the Northern Hemisphere. And if this is where you reside, it may also coincide with you being extra busy and having to multitask across several areas due to that retro-weather. And the opportunity that Mars/Jupiter meeting kicks up for you. Don’t whatever you do strain to ‘Have it all’. You’ll burn out if you do. Understand nobody gets that no matter what the media wants you to believe. Do prioritise certain areas. And as you do, give each your 100% in turn.

But also ensure that within that busy and dynamic schedule, you carve out down-time and you. Even if that ‘holiday’ is just a day of kicking back and unplugging. And yes, if you are a hybrid worker, do consider that Hush Stay as an option. Sometimes just changing up where we work from is the recharge break we’ve needed. You have Venus in your social sector for almost the entire month, reminding you of the importance of your wider connections. Don’t ignore them.

Showing the universe you are ready to embrace transformation begins with small adjustments. It sends a signal we are willing to try something different. And actively want it. Transformation is your superpower! This retrograde cycle keeps the focus on your 10th and 11th houses. Bring your focus onto personal and career ambitions. The secret sauce to your success is here. This also tells you that if you focus on your path, your public image and your reputation, changes in other areas – such as love, creative ventures etc – flow automatically. Look to anything that sends a message about who you are, what you are doing and have accomplished – from your image to your CV to your profiles and social media. Mercury retro is excellent for enhancing this. You’re boss level now so be ready to serve.

View all collateral which makes a statement about you, from the perspective of someone you would want to make your best impression on. That boss, sponsor, a parent, teacher, admissions head, leader, interviewer – and yes, even that potential date – and ask yourself if how you present yourself does you justice? There’s not just the packaging but all the factors that make up your story, track record, qualifications and achievements.

You have an extended period to refine all of the above elements thanks the Mercury retro (direct in your 10th from the 28th). You will also come to see if you are on the right path or not. Or even the right place. And again, be ready to change up your situation under this month’s full Moon in its ruling 4th (19th), which also trines Jupiter.

Others may come to you needing support under this full Moon. You are at your most dependable and generous-spirited now. However, don’t neglect to ask for support for yourself if you need this. You have a tendency to stuff things down and give the impression all is okay. But keep in mind its also okay to be vulnerable too. Because of this Moon’s angle to Jupiter, what you’ve been working towards since the start of the month can come to a satisfying conclusion. Others may be looking forward to making a move – something is calling you now and letting you know there’s a bigger world out there. Waiting for you to join it!

Your joining in phase is launched in earnest from the 22nd when the Sun reaches your 11th. Expect your yearly social peak to test just who is in for the long haul and who’s not. You are about to experience the sheer joy and abundant pleasure to be found via the people you know. If your social life is not what it should be – and know that loneliness is an epidemic now and no reflection on us, then harness your inner power again and re-direct it to your social life for the next month. If you do, you will see huge improvements appear.

This is also your house of your goals and the future. Again, this ties in with those ambitions you have for yourself. Who you see yourself being in the future. Wait until the new Moon in your 11th next month before recommitting to goals. However, begin to envision just what these are now. Boss level means ready to transform to go further. Venus now in your 12th enhances your creative and imaginative capacity. You are more than you imagine so prepare to discover all you can be.

In a nutshell: Ancient ruler Mars alongside Jupiter hands you the power to bring about the results you’re after. You’re not a passive bystander in your own story, Scorpio. But the creator. Wield that power to transform and craft your destiny.

2 Aug 2024 Venus in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (10th to 7th)

4 Aug 2024 New Moon in Leo sextile Mars in Gemini (10th to 8th)

4 Aug 2024 New Moon in Leo (10th)

4 Aug 2024 New Moon in Leo sextile Jupiter in Gemini (10th to 8th)

5 Aug 2024 Venus enters Virgo (11th)

5 Aug 2024 Mercury stationary retrograde in Virgo (11th)

8 Aug 2024 Retrograde Mercury conjunct Venus in Virgo (11th)

10 Aug 2024 Juno enters Libra (12th)

11 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo trine retrograde Ceres in Capricorn (11th to 3rd)

14 Aug 2024 Mars conjunct Jupiter in Gemini (8th)

14 Aug 2024 Moon, Mars and Jupiter conjunct in Gemini (8th)

15 Aug 2024 Retrograde Mercury re-enters Leo (10th)

18 Aug 2024 Retrograde Mercury in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (10th to 7th)

19 Aug 2024 Sun and retrograde Mercury conjunct in Leo (10th)

19 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo square Jupiter in Gemini (11th to 8th)

19 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces (11th to 5th)

19 Aug 2024 Full Moon in Aquarius (4th)

19 Aug 2024 Full Moon in Aquarius trine Jupiter in Gemini (4th to 8th)

19 Aug 2024 Full Moon in Aquarius opposition retrograde Mercury in Leo (4th to 10th)

19 Aug 2024 Sun in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (10th to 7th)

19 Aug 2024 Jupiter in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (8th to 5th)

22 Aug 2024 Sun enters Virgo (11th)

23 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo square Mars in Gemini (11th to 8th)

25 Aug 2024 Vesta enters Virgo (11th)

27 Aug 2024 Ceres direct in Capricorn (3rd)

28 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (11th to 5th)

28 Aug 2024 Mercury stationary direct in Leo (10th)

29 Aug 2024 Venus enters Libra (12th)

29 Aug 2024 Venus in Libra trine Pluto in Aquarius (12th to 4th)

Monthly Astrology August 2024 Forecast For All Signs (10)SAGITTARIUS

Lukewarm? Tepid? So NO

Luck spins the Wheel of Fortune

Bring the heat this August!

There’s no middle ground this August when it comes to love, partnership matters or even that opponent or rival, Sag. You either love it or leave it. It’s totally hot or the ice age. Mosted or ghosted. But you’re probably okay with that as lukewarm is never your thing anyway. And above all, you always want to know exactly where you stand.

Anything that wastes your time is likely to be revealed for the dead end it is along with this. As is that hot spot in your life. That person or thing that fires your soul, makes your heart sing and expands your world. Mercury is the ruling planet of your love zone. It’s retro this month in your 10th. And will during its retrocycle, return to your 9th. Where all those Sag BIG loves reside. Travel being the #1 eternal one. So, between now and mid-September, do have more than Plan B in place if you are heading anywhere, Sag. Near or far. Delays, outages, cancellations, breakdowns and general Mercury madness may impact even the best laid Sag plans. What is this good for? Well, revisiting old haunts. But still – don’t leave home without packing that alternative plan.

Retro warnings aside, that famed and fabulous Sag luck is running true to form this August. Your legendary ability to trip and fall head first into a vat of brown stuff and come up coated in chocolate and dusted with sprinkles. With everyone applauding as you take a bow. The big, fat mutable retro weather of the month affects all the mutable signs. Including yours.

Not only do we have Mercury retro in your 10th and the Sun charging this sector of your chart from the 22nd. We have Mars and Jupiter in Gemini and your 7th. And Saturn and Neptune (both retro) in Pisces and your 4th. And yes, Venus also in your 10th enhancing that rep and image right up until the end of the month. This keeps everything bubbling away for you. You’ll regain clarity around love or professional goals. And yes, if you are not travelling now, this will prove to be when the seeds for your next big adventure were planted. With real world results following after the retro.

While the scorching meeting between Mars and Jupiter (14th) is all in your favour – especially when it comes to partnerships or anything that involves another party, the squares of the other aspects plus Mercury’s ability to just throw spanners in the works, means you may have issues to deal with around home, family or your work. However, you are the sign who’s got this retro nailed, Sag. Perhaps its your eternal optimism and thanks to that Mars/Jupiter meeting, your willingness to take a leap and throw yourself off the edge – just like The Fool in the Tarot. And yes, come up luscious and smelling of roses no matter where you land.

Near or far, here or in the future – there’s a new stage of partnership that’s simply waiting for you to explore it. And no matter what your current relationship status, the most defining element of Mars and Jupiter in your 7th is that you are coming into your own. This also means you are no longer second guessing or hesitating over what you want to do or where you want to go next. Either in relationship or any other venture.

Ruler Jupiter takes a starring role in many of this month’s most impactful aspects in your chart. The first is the new Moon in your 9th (4th). It angles to both Mars and Jupiter. This is a point of initiation and action. But also of attraction as it involves your 7th house. It wants you to pursue a vision. And because of the Mercury retrograde, it tells you that you have time to refine and course correct before committing to that path. It also asks you not limit yourself when it comes to what it is you head towards. Aim higher.

We’re back to that hot or not theme. And yes, the time of this new Moon and also the 14th shows you where your emotions are fully engaged and where they are not. Sometimes, a commitment requires us to let something go. If this is what you know needs to be done, you won’t hesitate.

Certainly you’ll understand what you are fully invested in by the time the full Moon strikes your 3rd (19th). It will trine Jupiter and oppose the Sun and Mercury conjunct in your life. What you will be ultra aware of is who or what helps you go further. And what or who does the opposite. This is a wonderful full Moon under which to complete anything you began at the time of the new Moon. Or to fast forward in your mind to a month, three months or even a year into the future and imagine how far you’ve come.

The Sun in your 10th from the 22nd and Mercury direct from the 28th hands you your yearly achievement peak. Does this link in at all with what you have been imagining yourself being or doing? The universe asks you get serious about one particular path you want to explore. And not to allow for distractions. What feels like a soul calling you need to pursue or attain? That’s your North Star now.

Surprises bring an up-tick around who you know, your support network, friends, contacts, groups and yes, your goals as Venus moves into its ruling sign of Libra and your 11th. From the 29th, you’ll be actively seeking to socialise and meet new people. Flirtation rules and love is back on the agenda. Normally we say this Venus is about the love of friends – not the romantic kind. But that doesn’t apply when Jupiter is in your 7th. Venus’s trine to Pluto in your 3rd could bring about a surprise and intense encounter. The attraction if it’s sexual could be instant. And the talk may get ‘R’ rated fast.

Others may out-of-the-ordinary contacts in extraordinary places. Last minute invites or anything that takes you out of your usual social sphere lead you to people and opportunities which could influence that future path. In ways you might not be able to imagine. There’s no middle ground this month. But there’s also no ground you’re not prepared to cover in the search for what truly ignites you.

In a nutshell: The new Moon in your 9th angling to ruler Jupiter and Mars places you in the hot zone of freedom and self-directed passion. And you’re likely to ditch anything that stands in its way, Sag. Luck is on your side this month – time to take a chance.

2 Aug 2024 Venus in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (9th to 6th)

4 Aug 2024 New Moon in Leo sextile Mars in Gemini (9th to 7th)

4 Aug 2024 New Moon in Leo (9th)

4 Aug 2024 New Moon in Leo sextile Jupiter in Gemini (9th to 7th)

5 Aug 2024 Venus enters Virgo (10th)

5 Aug 2024 Mercury stationary retrograde in Virgo (10th)

8 Aug 2024 Retrograde Mercury conjunct Venus in Virgo (10th)

10 Aug 2024 Juno enters Libra (11th)

11 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo trine retrograde Ceres in Capricorn (10th to 2nd)

14 Aug 2024 Mars conjunct Jupiter in Gemini (7th)

14 Aug 2024 Moon, Mars and Jupiter conjunct in Gemini (7th)

15 Aug 2024 Retrograde Mercury re-enters Leo (9th)

18 Aug 2024 Retrograde Mercury in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (9th to 6th)

19 Aug 2024 Sun and retrograde Mercury conjunct in Leo (9th)

19 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo square Jupiter in Gemini (10th to 7th)

19 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces (10th to 4th)

19 Aug 2024 Full Moon in Aquarius (3rd)

19 Aug 2024 Full Moon in Aquarius trine Jupiter in Gemini (3rd to 7th)

19 Aug 2024 Full Moon in Aquarius opposition retrograde Mercury in Leo (3rd to 9th)

19 Aug 2024 Sun in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (9th to 6th)

19 Aug 2024 Jupiter in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (7th to 4th)

22 Aug 2024 Sun enters Virgo (10th)

23 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo square Mars in Gemini (10th to 7th)

25 Aug 2024 Vesta enters Virgo (10th)

27 Aug 2024 Ceres direct in Capricorn (2nd)

28 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (10th to 4th)

28 Aug 2024 Mercury stationary direct in Leo (9th)

29 Aug 2024 Venus enters Libra (11th)

29 Aug 2024 Venus in Libra trine Pluto in Aquarius (11th to 3rd)

Monthly Astrology August 2024 Forecast For All Signs (11)CAPRICORN

Release control

Be ready to serve what you do best

Out of the rut and into realisation!

Escape that dead end or rut this August. And I’m not just talking about a temporary vacation either, Capricorn. But a release into something more long term. Yes, holidays may feature. Just keep in mind the Mercury retrograde which begins in your house of travel (from the 5th). Whether you are heading overseas or on a staycation. Anything from that strike, to that traffic jam or that breakdown or even the weather can have you cooling your heels and spinning your wheels. Or searching for an alternative route.

Retro Mercury likes to test our mindset. Just how good are we when plans go awry at making the most of where we are in the moment? Especially if its all beyond our control. We can either give in to frustration. Or else simply shrug and if we are able, stop and smell the roses (hopefully not the exhaust fumes!). Mercury retro is very 12 Steps aligned. It urges us to accept the things we cannot change. But also to be ready to pivot when we see another way open up.

Be ready to exercise your inventiveness from the very start of the month. Don’t accept things have to stay the way they are if they no longer work. Or leave you deadened and dulled. You’ve moved from your yearly partnership peak last month, and the double whammy double full Moons in your sign, into a cycle which brings a powerful reset in your thought process. How you see a relationship or your relationship future for instance. What you believe is possible for you to change, to have or to transform. Take it this is the month you can build on what peaked during those full Moon periods. And you will come to understand how your thoughts and ideas truly do shape your world and what you experience in it. And with others.

Solutions are to hand, Capricorn. But they will require that you stop and look beyond what may be a default for you. And yes, be willing to take that other option when you find it. This month’s new Moon in your change sector (4th) angles to Mars and Jupiter in your work and wellbeing area. This can only bring you positive change and freedom from something that confines, drains or has you stuck in a rut. It marks the point of liberation. Or you commitment to making liberation happen. You know you are meant for more than this.

Don’t be afraid to shake up that routine. Ruler Saturn is retrograde also this month. In your 3rd of ideas, what you do and how you do it. Plus the Mars/Jupiter conjunction of the 14th in your 6th points to an escape route you can take now into something more freeing. This may be something you have already set in motion for yourself. And also something which points to an increase of resources – financial and otherwise. More on this shortly.

While the Sun and other planets – and this includes retro time, remain in your 8th, you are operating at your peak. There’s also the element of being a showman. And I use that in a gender-neutral way. Part of stepping into and owning our power involves being unafraid to be seen. To stand in the full glow of our glory. And yes, to know there are critics everywhere. But also that those who matter and have our back support our journey. Don’t be afraid to claim all this potential. And to know that what attention comes your way is your due.

Self worth increases and adds to that feeling of being in charge of your destiny. We’re approaching two very important transits for you this month. And these both involve your ruler Saturn. The 19th delivers a full Moon in your 2nd – trine Jupiter. It also sees Venus in your 9th oppose Saturn in your 3rd. The same day sees Jupiter square Saturn. This will deliver for you a realisation around whether or not something is worth your time – or not. You look on it realistically. Some of you may see rewards (those resources I mentioned earlier) and offers appear. And these won’t just manifest out of the blue but are the result of your own, sustained efforts.

Others however will now see that although they have invested heavily in something in terms of ideas, time, talent, effort and love – what they have received back doesn’t reflect this. Do remember – Pluto is heading back your way for a final visit. During which time you will no longer buy in to the sunk cost fallacy. But cash in and move towards something more rewarding instead.

You’re not out to reinvent the wheel, Cappy. But you also know when the wheels have come off that vehicle you’ve been driving. And you’re better off with a new one that takes you in a fresh direction. This opens up for you with the Sun in your 9th from the 22nd. One thing about seeing things realistically is you know what to do next. And success is often simply knowing which direction to go in. You’re in no doubt and not about to waver. You have a clear plan or destination in mind. And once Mercury heads direct from the 28th and returns to your 9th next month, its all systems go.

Venus in your 10th enhances your image and reputation. You can make your very best impression whether you are starting out with something new – or even shifting the opinions of those who already know you. Your can-do confidence and self- belief is going to increase all the way through to the end of October. As is what you have access to which boosts that further. Get ready to be more. And have and experience more as a result.

In a nutshell: Change what you can change. And stop pushing what you can’t. The secret could just be to know that and let go. Paradoxically, this could deliver the shift you need as your yearly freedom cycle begins.

2 Aug 2024 Venus in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (8th to 5th)

4 Aug 2024 New Moon in Leo sextile Mars in Gemini (8th to 6th)

4 Aug 2024 New Moon in Leo (8th)

4 Aug 2024 New Moon in Leo sextile Jupiter in Gemini (8th to 6th)

5 Aug 2024 Venus enters Virgo (9th)

5 Aug 2024 Mercury stationary retrograde in Virgo (9th)

8 Aug 2024 Retrograde Mercury conjunct Venus in Virgo (9th)

10 Aug 2024 Juno enters Libra (10th)

11 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo trine retrograde Ceres in Capricorn (9th to 1st)

14 Aug 2024 Mars conjunct Jupiter in Gemini (6th)

14 Aug 2024 Moon, Mars and Jupiter conjunct in Gemini (6th)

15 Aug 2024 Retrograde Mercury re-enters Leo (8th)

18 Aug 2024 Retrograde Mercury in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (8th to 5th)

19 Aug 2024 Sun and retrograde Mercury conjunct in Leo (8th)

19 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo square Jupiter in Gemini (9th to 6th)

19 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces (9th to 3rd)

19 Aug 2024 Full Moon in Aquarius (2nd)

19 Aug 2024 Full Moon in Aquarius trine Jupiter in Gemini (2nd to 6th)

19 Aug 2024 Full Moon in Aquarius opposition retrograde Mercury in Leo (2nd to 8th)

19 Aug 2024 Sun in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (8th to 5th)

19 Aug 2024 Jupiter in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (6th to 3rd)

22 Aug 2024 Sun enters Virgo (9th)

23 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo square Mars in Gemini (9th to 6th)

25 Aug 2024 Vesta enters Virgo (9th)

27 Aug 2024 Ceres direct in Capricorn (1st)

28 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (9th to 3rd)

28 Aug 2024 Mercury stationary direct in Leo (8th)

29 Aug 2024 Venus enters Libra (10th)

29 Aug 2024 Venus in Libra trine Pluto in Aquarius (10th to 2nd)

Monthly Astrology August 2024 Forecast For All Signs (12)AQUARIUS

Fast, slow, stop, start – adapt to the speed limit

Explore your power to choose

Get some summer lovin’

The new Moon in your 7th usually marks the start of Summer Lovin’ for you, Aquarius. Tell me more, tell me more, tell me more to borrow a line from the musical Grease. Well, talk is what your summer of love is all about with Mercury retrograde across your 8th -7th houses. And whether talk is cheap or someone simply loves to talk – but not much else.

August’s new Moon marks the start of something big. But big doesn’t mean it is necessarily the greased lightning fast start to stick with the Grease metaphor. The Moon angles to both Mars (rev it up passion) and Jupiter (no small thing!), which yes, may initially turbo charge a new beginning. But which then may slow down for a bit. But this hands you the ability to see whether 1) it can go the distance and 2) whether or not you actually want it.

You’re one of the signs under this retrograde which needs to exercise a little caution when it comes to potential partners. Take things slowly and above all know that actions speak louder than words. Yes, those DM’s could be laden with flirtatious promise. But is there an actual move to meet up IRL? And no, before we go any further – Keanu Reeves is not in love with you. Sorry. And if someone claiming to be well – somebody famous, is pledging the undying variety – there is a book with exactly that title you need to read.

All timely retro cautions aside, that doesn’t mean excitement, attraction and hot, hot love is off-limits. Just that existing relationships will benefit from conversations with non-blame and playfulness thrown in. And being upfront with your feelings and risking vulnerability makes you all the more relatable.

Re-negotiations and reaffirmations are what Mercury retro offers when it returns to your 7th (15th). Lucky you is helped with love matters thanks to the Mars/Jupiter meeting in your 5th which occurs the day prior to this. Love is the hot topic this summer. It would seem the Grease soundtrack has a song or a line that pretty well sums up the big transits for you this August. Because the power you’re supplying – it’s electrifying! And crackles with attraction and creative potential.

Options, opportunities, success and new beginnings run counter to that retrograde weather. This is a brief window which you can use from the 11th – 14th. Then prepare for a few days where things slow again right up until the full Moon in your sign (19th). If you’ve been waiting for the right moment to act, make that choice or simply to bring something to fruition, this is the perfect day. This Moon trines Jupiter while the Sun in your 7th nudges ruler Uranus which in turn, brings something to a conclusion so you can be free to enter the new.

You’ll leave this full Moon period with a much better understanding of your power to change and also attract. This sets you up for your next cycle – looking at what you are and aren’t comfortable with. And knowing that if anything falls into the latter category, you are now in a position to change that. Many of you will already be feeling Pluto’s influence. Its surge of transformative potential and empowerment that teaches you that you are not a passive victim of fate. Yes, some events and people may be linked to our destiny. But we always retain the power when it comes to how we react to them.

Time to look at patterns. And whether or not they imprison you or are acting as safety nets as the Sun arrives in your 8th (22nd). What you do by default and what you believe you have no power to opt out of if you want. As the planets move through your 8th they are going to oppose Saturn and Neptune in your 2nd. Both these planets are retrograde incidentally. This will see you gazing into the murky depths of what leaves you ashamed, trapped or feeling powerless – and then realizing you no longer have to. The first major opposition is between Venus and Saturn on the 29th. Then Venus and Neptune on the 28th. The same day as Mercury heads direct. If there are unhealthy undercurrents in a relationship, you will no longer be snared by them.

Coming up you’ll have the Sun and then Mercury perform the same oppositions. Opening up choices for change for you. Part of this process is going to be challenging those old tapes you’ve been running. The ones where you keep telling yourself you’re stuck, powerless or simply incapable. That can be hard work, Aquarius. But summer lovin’ focussed on self-love is when you start to re-record something more positive.

The Sun in your 8th and Mercury direct, combined with Venus’s arrival in your 9th will also see that stop/start cycle come to an end. And yes, before you ask, this can also see you heading into September with more than one loving option to pick from. That’s the power to choose at your command.

In a nutshell: A powerful full Moon in your sign on the 19th shows you all the future potential when it comes to partnerships and double acts when combined with the new Moon in your 7th this month. A more emboldened experience could be the result, Aquarius.

2 Aug 2024 Venus in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (7th to 4th)

4 Aug 2024 New Moon in Leo sextile Mars in Gemini (7th to 5th)

4 Aug 2024 New Moon in Leo (7th)

4 Aug 2024 New Moon in Leo sextile Jupiter in Gemini (7th to 5th)

5 Aug 2024 Venus enters Virgo (8th)

5 Aug 2024 Mercury stationary retrograde in Virgo (8th)

8 Aug 2024 Retrograde Mercury conjunct Venus in Virgo (8th)

10 Aug 2024 Juno enters Libra (9th)

11 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo trine retrograde Ceres in Capricorn (8th to 12th)

14 Aug 2024 Mars conjunct Jupiter in Gemini (5th)

14 Aug 2024 Moon, Mars and Jupiter conjunct in Gemini (5th)

15 Aug 2024 Retrograde Mercury re-enters Leo (7th)

18 Aug 2024 Retrograde Mercury in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (7th to 4th)

19 Aug 2024 Sun and retrograde Mercury conjunct in Leo (7th)

19 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo square Jupiter in Gemini (8th to 5th)

19 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces (8th to 2nd)

19 Aug 2024 Full Moon in Aquarius (1st)

19 Aug 2024 Full Moon in Aquarius trine Jupiter in Gemini (1st to 5th)

19 Aug 2024 Full Moon in Aquarius opposition retrograde Mercury in Leo (1st to 7th)

19 Aug 2024 Sun in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (7th to 4th)

19 Aug 2024 Jupiter in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (5th to 2nd)

22 Aug 2024 Sun enters Virgo (8th)

23 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo square Mars in Gemini (8th to 5th)

25 Aug 2024 Vesta enters Virgo (8th)

27 Aug 2024 Ceres direct in Capricorn (12th)

28 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (8th to 2nd)

28 Aug 2024 Mercury stationary direct in Leo (7th)

29 Aug 2024 Venus enters Libra (9th)

29 Aug 2024 Venus in Libra trine Pluto in Aquarius (9th to 1st)

Monthly Astrology August 2024 Forecast For All Signs (13)PISCES

Lighten your load

See past the obvious

Love is about the distance – not the rush

Chances are for a while you’ve totally related to the ‘80’s term ‘That’s heavy’. Perhaps because you’re shouldering more than your fair share of challenges or responsibilities. Maybe no matter how hard you’re working, you’re not getting your usual result. Or simply feel gravity has increased in your own personal universe and you simply have to make an extra effort to remain where you are. All signs of Saturn going through your 1st house.

This is cosmic resistance training. Where the universe asks you just how serious you are about something? Or even if what you are striving for is still fit for purpose? It asks you to stop and totally flip the dialogue around why you are doing this. And ask tough questions. In other words – is what you want worth it? Does it want you back? Retrograde weather allows us to do this. Yes, we need to be committed to a path or a result. But when you have Saturn around along with a Mercury retrograde, if something is not happening despite the work we put in, we need to change the dialogue and see ‘Why not?’ as a question that can be phrased two ways.

The first as in wanting something and believing we should get it – and feeling loss, frustration and left out when it doesn’t happen. The second as in being curious and open to the possibility we may be being protected from having something that ultimately may not be good for us. Or would prevent us from having something better.

Ruler Neptune is also retrograde in your sign as well. Asking that you keep asking Why Not? And changing the emphasis you put on the question each time. Take note of the answers you receive. As the planets move through your 7th this month and on into September, they are going to oppose first Saturn and then Neptune. Key dates for you this month are the 19th – Venus opposition Saturn, and 28th – Venus opposition Neptune. The 19th will be particularly revelatory as it coincides with a full Moon in your psychic 12th – trine ancient ruler Jupiter in your 4th. Wild but accurate insights come your way on this day. The truth replaces confusion or even worries if they have taken over. This can even be fear around what you are going to do.

The Saturn retro lightens that ‘heavy’ feeling. As does accepting not just what you can or can’t change – but what you must change. I spoke about cosmic resistance training. Well, sometimes we need to release rather than resist. Let go rather than persist. Opting for this is opting for change. And often we don’t need to do anything else.

Some things may take a couple more months to sort out. A situation concerning home and family for instance. But while you are aware of it, you’re not panicking or feeling under undue pressure. We are in big fat mutable weather this month. Ancient ruler Jupiter along with Mars is in your 4th. Venus and Mercury start the month in Virgo and your 7th. Plus heavy hitters Saturn and Neptune in your sign. And the Sun in your 7th from the 22nd. It all points to things in motion and not yet settled. But what you can settle is your own feelings or responses to what is happening around you.

The new Moon in your 6th aligns to both Mars and Jupiter (4th). You’ll have this energy to work with for the next two weeks. And it will be at its peak on the 14th as Mars and Jupiter fuse in the Moon’s ruling 4th in your chart. It clarifies any changes you need to make around home, family, living arrangements or even your work.

Do keep in mind the overall Mercury retro weather when making plans. Two houses – your 7th and 6th, are impacted by this. And Mercury influences both. Virgo is its ruling sign. Leo is its ruling house. And one of the retro rules is that its capacity for madness increases if it is backwards in a ruling sign or house. Knowing this means you can work on lightening that ‘heavy’ load in some way on an energetic/wellbeing level. And plan for actual practical changes when it is direct once more. If it it not already in motion to complete – release and take a ‘hands off’ approach for now if you can.

August always marks your yearly partnership peak. And despite Mercury retrograde in your 7th, this year is no exception. Venus’s presence in your 7th (which it rules) dilutes the Mercury mayhem factor. And the Sun in here from the 22nd shines blissful warmth on unions of all descriptions. If you are seeking a new partner, do not rush. Especially with the upcoming Venus/Neptune opposition. Let things unfold organically and do please heed your intuition. That red flag flying at half mast should be enough. Don’t ignore it until it is all the way up.

Existing unions benefit from you making extra time for your partner. And also not shying away from anything that needs discussing. The same goes if you are wanting to move things to the next stage. Take this opportunity to talk about where you see the two of you going next. Even in working relationships if a promotion is what you are seeking. Be upfront with your intentions. And also if the other party’s are not aligned with yours, please do take this on board. Saturn says you deserve to be taken seriously. But part of Saturn’s process is understanding that this means serious decisions if you and someone else aren’t on the same page. And yes, they deserve to be taken seriously too. Hanging around because you hope they will change their mind is the opposite.

Take any insights beamed to you from the full Moon and use them to resolve any remaining uncertainties around love or partnership matters as we enter your yearly love peak. And also an axis of attraction like no other you’ll experience this year. Keep in mind that 2025 is set to be massive for you, Pisces. This is due to Saturn and Neptune exiting your sign. And the arrival of the North Node in it. Along with Jupiter moving into your 5th destiny takes a hand bringing you a fresh cycle and opportunities you’ve not seen for a very long time.

As the Sun and other planets move through your 7th and the oppositions they make to both Saturn and Neptune, you will experience a preview of what this holds. What’s right for you will either be drawn to you or enter its next potent stage. Or simply be released by you. And yes, the more you go with what feels right – the lighter you feel.

Venus’s trine to Pluto (29th) as it moves into your 8th, could bring the first result from being unafraid to get serious about what really matters to you. And has you ready to be the creator of your own destiny in 2025. Be on the lookout for something stemming from your past. Or which rewards for work behind the scenes. Something emerges from the shadows now fully illuminated. Just ensure its nothing ‘complicated’. You don’t need it – or do it any longer. So, don’t resist – release. The secret to ‘Let go, let flow’ is that a lighter state of being makes serious attraction simply effortless.

In a nutshell: What you need is something that goes the distance, Pisces. So remember – you can’t hurry love. Both Saturn and ruler Neptune retrograde in your sign bring sweet relief and true ‘enlightenment’. As in lifting feelings of restriction. And allowing you to see what’s real.

2 Aug 2024 Venus in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (6th to 3rd)

4 Aug 2024 New Moon in Leo sextile Mars in Gemini (6th to 4th)

4 Aug 2024 New Moon in Leo (6th)

4 Aug 2024 New Moon in Leo sextile Jupiter in Gemini (6th to 4th)

5 Aug 2024 Venus enters Virgo (7th)

5 Aug 2024 Mercury stationary retrograde in Virgo (7th)

8 Aug 2024 Retrograde Mercury conjunct Venus in Virgo (7th)

10 Aug 2024 Juno enters Libra (8th)

11 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo trine retrograde Ceres in Capricorn (7th to 11th)

14 Aug 2024 Mars conjunct Jupiter in Gemini (4th)

14 Aug 2024 Moon, Mars and Jupiter conjunct in Gemini (4th)

15 Aug 2024 Retrograde Mercury re-enters Leo (6th)

18 Aug 2024 Retrograde Mercury in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (6th to 3rd)

19 Aug 2024 Sun and retrograde Mercury conjunct in Leo (6th)

19 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo square Jupiter in Gemini (7th to 4th)

19 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces (7th to 1st)

19 Aug 2024 Full Moon in Aquarius (12th)

19 Aug 2024 Full Moon in Aquarius trine Jupiter in Gemini (12th to 4th)

19 Aug 2024 Full Moon in Aquarius opposition retrograde Mercury in Leo (12th to 6th)

19 Aug 2024 Sun in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (6th to 3rd)

19 Aug 2024 Jupiter in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (4th to 1st)

22 Aug 2024 Sun enters Virgo (7th)

23 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo square Mars in Gemini (7th to 4th)

25 Aug 2024 Vesta enters Virgo (7th)

27 Aug 2024 Ceres direct in Capricorn (11th)

28 Aug 2024 Venus in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (7th to 1st)

28 Aug 2024 Mercury stationary direct in Leo (6th)

29 Aug 2024 Venus enters Libra (8th)

29 Aug 2024 Venus in Libra trine Pluto in Aquarius (8th to 12th)

Monthly Astrology August 2024 Forecast For All Signs (14)

Hooray! You can now order my Tarot deck and in-depth Tarot book. I put my heart into every page. Big love, Michele.

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Monthly Astrology August 2024 Forecast For All Signs (2024)
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Author information

Name: Nathanael Baumbach

Birthday: 1998-12-02

Address: Apt. 829 751 Glover View, West Orlando, IN 22436

Phone: +901025288581

Job: Internal IT Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Motor sports, Flying, Skiing, Hooping, Lego building, Ice skating

Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.